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A Successful Singles' Day/11.11 Shopping Festival Thanks to Our Partners and Customers

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

What a success Singles' Day/11.11 has been! This shopping festival would not have been possible without the support of our amazing partners and customers. Offline party for youth, Livestreaming shopping with top European KOL, personalized recommendation to highly engaged users...

We are so grateful to everyone who participated and helped make this event a success. The deals were amazing, and we were thrilled to see such an enthusiastic response from everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Below you will find more data on the part of this campaign with each dedicated content seeding and personalized group recommendation to our community.

With the literal meaning of the Singles' Day/11.11 shopping festival - 'Fête des célibataires.' Offline party for youth with 100 millinery Chinese ex-pats living in Paris, London, Milan, and Amsterdam.

And LiveStreaming creates more noise for our nice brands among the Chinese community in ECENTIME and also dynamic Chinese social networking.

Thanks to your support, we had our best-ever sales figures, and we couldn't have done it without you. We had an incredible selection of products on offer this year, from fashion and cosmetics to home appliances and gadgets. And our partners helped us reach out to even more customers, making this the biggest shopping event of the year for European Chinese expats.

We look forward to continuing to work together for Black Friday, Christmas Season, Chinese New year, and so on to bring the best possible shopping experience to European Chinese consumers.

Thank you again, and here's to an even better next year!

History of Singles' Day/11.11

This was our third Singles' Day/11.11 shopping festival, and it was our biggest and most successful yet. A lot of that success is thanks to our amazing partners and customers, who helped us spread the word and create a buzz around the event.

Singles' Day/11.11 is a special day for Chinese ex-pats worldwide. It's a day when we come together to celebrate our culture and connect. And what better way to do that than by shopping till we drop?

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